Impact Punch Down Tools
TA-9027 Impact Tool without Blades
$44.88 each
TA-9041 Impact Tool with 110
Blades $62.22 each
TA-9042 Impact Tool with 66 Blades
$62.22 each
TA-9043 Impact Tool w/ 66 & 110
Blade $81.26 each
Non-Impact Punch Down Tools
TA-9028 Non-Impact Tool without
Blades $37.00 each
TA-9045 Non-Impact Tool with 110
Blades $44.03 each
TA-9046 Non-Impact Tool with 66
Blades $44.03 each
Non-Impact Tool with 66 and 110 Blades
$46.75 each
Punch Down Blades For
Non-Impact Tools |
1. TA-9031 66 Punch Down Blade
for TA-9028
$19.96 each |
2. TA-9032 110 Punch Down Blade
for TA-9028
$19.96 Each |
3.TA-9033 66 and 110 Punch Down
Blade for TA-9028 (No Cutters)
$18.20 each |
Punch Down Blades for
Impact Tool |
1. TA-9036 66 Punch Down Blade
for TA-9027
$24.60 each |
2. TA-9037 110 Punch Down
Blade for TA-9027
$24.60 each |
UTP Data Cable Strippers |
1. TA-3080 UTP Round Cable
Jacket Cable Stripper $5.50 each |
2. TA-3180 UTP Round Cable
Jacket Cable Stripper
with 110 Punch Down $ 7.90 each |
Deluxe Modular Crimp Tools |
1. TA-9022 4P4C Handset Modular
Crimp Tool
$ 30.80 each |
2. TA-9023 6P4C/RJ-11,
6P6C/RJ-12 Modular Crimp Tool
$30.80 each |
3. TA-9024 8P8C/RJ-45
Modular Crimp Tool
$35.80 each |
4. TA-9025 10P10C Modular Crimp
$59.33 each |
Multi-Purpose Crimp Tool |
TA-9026 6P4C-11, 6P6C/RJ-12,
8P8C/RJ-45 Modular Crimp Tool $39.50
each |
Professional Modular Crimp
Tool |
1. TA-9029 6P4C/RJ-11,
6P6C/RJ-12, 8P8C/RJ-45 Modular Crimp Tool
$49.13 each |
2. 4P2C, 4P4C, 6P4C/RJ-11, 6P6C/RJ-12,
8P8C/RJ-45 Plugs & DEC/OFF Set Plug 6P6C Modular Crimp Tool
$129.03 each |
Snap-In-Seal Compression
Oval Crimp Tool
Deluxe Hex Crimp Tool |
1. CA-5907 9" Hex Crimp
Tool RG-59, RG-62, RG-6
$35.80 each |
2. CA-5920 9" Hex Crimp Tool
RG-59, RG-6, RG-11, RG213 $45.80 each |
4-Cavity Hex Crimp Tool |
1. CA-5908 3-Cavity Hex
Crimp Tool RG-58, RG-59, RG-62
$49.20 each |
2. CA-5919 4-Cavity Hex
Crimp Tool RG-58, 59,62,6,140,141,142,212,222,303, Fiber Optic
Belden 8281, 8279, 9231,9141
$49.13 each |
Rotary Coax Cable Stripper
Rotary Coax Cable Stripper
CA-5910 $22.60
3 Blade Coax Stripper RG-58, RG-59, RG-62,
$7.90 each
Replacement Blades for CA-5910 Coax
Economy Rotary Coax
Network Cable Tester
Enhanced Network Cable
Modular Patch Cord Tester
Modular Line Tester
5 Pair 110 Impact Tool
$129.03 each
5 Pair 110 Impact Tool
Lan Telecommunication
Starter Kit
300 MHz Cat 6 Level 111 Accurate LAN Cable Tester
Package includes: Display handset and remote
handset with rubber boot, (2) NiMB batteries, (2) Basic Link
Adapters, (2) Channel Adapters, Calibration Adapter, User
Guide, Quick reference card, (2) Carrying/Handling straps,
Carrying Case, Serial Interface Cable, LT-Record Manager PC
Software, and Talkset.
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